Say/ Speak/ State/ Gossip/ Talk/ Tell/ Utter 要怎麼「說」才好?
1. 基本文法說明 在中文裡,我們只用「說話」、「講話」,可是在英文裡面,卻同時有好幾個字表達「說」這個概念,不同的「說」各有不同的字表示。 Say (v.) 是及物動詞。說的是一句話或隻字片語,如要小孩子說再見Say “goodbye” to your aunt. 「向阿姨說再見」。問別人說了些什麼: What did he say? 「他說了些什麼?」。 有時也可用來尋問意見,如 What do you say to my proposal? 「你認為我的提案如何?」 Speak (v.)多用來表示「說話的能力」,強調說話這個動作而非內容;可以用來指演講,或者表達會講某種語言。如speak English「說英文」,speak Chinese「說中文」,也可以指談論一個人的好壞,如 John never speaks ill of Jane. (John從不說珍的壞話)。又如: When you speak of me, speak well. (當你談及我時,請說好話)。 Talk (v.) 是指一種連貫性的談話,尤其要用在與人交流或談論問題。而且類似speak,它也是注重於說話這個動作而已。在指人與人之間的交談、聊天時,如They talk with each other. 「他們在聊天」,也可指比較嚴肅的談話: I need to talk to you.「我有話要對你說」,還有當覺得別人講話有點胡言亂語,沒有重點時,可以說 What are you talking about? 「你到底在講什麼?」 Tell (v.) 及物動詞,常當作「告訴」講,後面一定要接兩個受詞,也就是「告訴某人某件事情」,或講某件事情給某人聽的意思。有時也含有吩咐、命令等意涵。如The teacher told us a story yesterday. 「老師昨天講了一個故事給我們聽」。而說真話與說謊話習慣上也用tell這個動詞。He seldom tells the truth/lies. 「他很少說真話/說謊話」 Gossip的說是「說閒話」,所以帶有貶義。 State是較為正式的用語,代表正式明確的陳述,或者是聲明。 Utter重視的是說話的行為,經常用來指「發出聲音」,後面不接引述的話。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. John spoke something bad behind Mary. (X) C. They are telling with each other. (X) D. What did Lily talk you? (X) E. The notice states that we must be at the railway station before six in the morning. (X) F. The lecturer talked for over an hour. (X) G. She loves to talk about her neighbors. (X) H. The president said that he was quite satisfied with the results of the summit talks. (X) I. When I am speaking to your father, I expect you to be quiet. (X) J. The child’s mother says a story to him every night before he goes to bed. (X) K. He was not able to say a sound out of great terror. (X)
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. John spoke something bad behind Mary. (X) B. Can you say English? (X) C. They are telling with each other. (X) D. What did Lily talk you? (X) E. The notice states that we must be at the railway station before six in the morning. (X) F. The lecturer talked for over an hour. (X) G. She loves to talk about her neighbors. (X) H. The president said that he was quite satisfied with the results of the summit talks. (X) I. When I am speaking to your father, I expect you to be quiet. (X) J. The child’s mother says a story to him every night before he goes to bed. (X) K. He was not able to say a sound out of great terror. (X) |
Scene/ Scenery/ Sight/ View 是一個景色還是一片風景?
1. 基本文法說明 這組字彙在中文翻譯上幾乎一模一樣,可是在英文文法上,每個字卻各自有各自的使用方式。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. The sunrise is a beautiful sight. (X) 日出是一種美麗的風景。
B. We both love mountain scenes. (X) 我們都愛山景。
C. The Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtaking views of the world. (X) 大峽谷是世界上最驚險的名勝之一。
D. A fine scene of the city can be obtained from the tower of the Town Hall. (X) 站在市政廳的高樓上可以俯瞰全城優美景色。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. The sunrise is a beautifulsight. (X) The sunrise is a beautifulscene. (O) 日出是一種美麗的風景。 解說: 請注意sight表達的概念是一個固定的「景象」甚至是指「現象」,如果要單純表示「風景」、「日出景色」,用scene會比較恰當。
B. We both love mountainscenes. (X) We both love mountainscenery. (O) 我們都愛山景。 解說: 雖然山的確不只一座,「山景」仍是指一大片區域的風景,是不可數的,應使用scenery表示。
C. The Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtaking views of the world. (X) The Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtaking sights of the world. (O) 大峽谷是世界上最驚險的名勝之一。 解說: 大峽谷為一名勝、勝景,而且這句話並沒有強調出我們從一特定位置觀看大峽谷,用view並不適當,要改成sight才對。
D. A fine scene of the city can be obtained from the tower of the Town Hall. (X) A fine view of the city can be obtained from the tower of the Town Hall. (O) 站在市政廳的高樓上可以俯瞰全城優美景色。 解說: 這句話中可以清楚看見提供一個特定位置觀賞全城風景,所以要將scene改成view比較合用。
Sensible/ Sensitive 理性?感性?
1. 基本文法說明 這兩個形容詞非常像,但是用法上完全不同,一定要注意。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. He is not sensible to other people’s feelings at all. (X) 他對別人的感覺毫無所覺。
B. She is too sensitive to do anything foolish. (X) 她很理智,不會做傻事。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. He is not sensible to other people’s feelings at all. (X) He is not sensitive to other people’s feelings at all. (O) 他對別人的感覺毫無所覺。 解說: 在這裡,我們並不是要指她能否「察覺」「認知」他人的感情,談到感情面,我們一般都會用「敏感」來表示,所以把sensible改成sensitive會更適合。
B. She is too sensitive to do anything foolish. (X) She is too sensible to do anything foolish. (O) 她很理智,不會做傻事。 解說: 由翻譯中我們很明顯知道「理智」應用sensible表達而不是用sensitive,否則本句話就內部矛盾了。 |
Small/Little/ Minute/ Tiny 各式各樣的「小」
1. 基本文法說明 同樣表達「小」這個概念,英文裡有好幾種說法。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習
A. He is a person with a little mind. (X) 他心胸狹窄。
B. Little things amuse little minds. (X) 小東西吸引小孩子。
C. Most people aren’t aware of tiny changes of temperature. (X) 大多數人察覺不出氣溫的細微變化。
D. We only got a small profit for the first three months. (X) 頭三個月我們獲利菲薄。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. He is a person with a littlemind. (X) He is a person with a smallmind. (O) 他心胸狹窄。 解說: 如同解釋中所言,形容一個人的氣量狹窄要用的應該是small,而不是little。
B. Little things amuse smallminds. (X) Little things amuse littleminds. (O) 小東西吸引小孩子。 解說: 例子中與「氣量狹窄」是無關連的,所以並不是用small形容,而改成little代表「小孩子」,並帶點感情色彩。
C. Most people aren’t aware oftiny changes of temperature. (X) Most people aren’t aware ofminute changes of temperature. (O) 大多數人察覺不出氣溫的細微變化。
解說: 從文意來看,這句話強調的是一種「細微」的變化,用minute比tiny合適,因為劇中並沒有任何表示驚訝的語氣,所以用tiny不適合。
D. We only got a small profit for the first three months. (X) We only got a little profit for the first three months. (O) 頭三個月我們獲利菲薄。
So/ Such 英文中的兩個「這樣」
1. 基本文法說明 兩者在中文皆是「這樣、如此」的意思,所以極為容易混淆,但兩個字的基本詞性是不同的,so是副詞修飾形容詞,such是形容詞修飾名詞,所以用法上是不可搞混的。so常出現的形式為「so+形容詞+a(n)+可數名詞」,而such的適用對象比較廣,它可接可數單數、可數複數、與不可數名詞。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習
A. She is so a lovely girl that we get along with her very well. (X) 她是這樣一個可愛的女孩,我們都跟她處得很好。
B. She is such lovely a girl that we love to get together with her. (X) 她是這樣一個可愛的女孩,我們都喜歡跟她在一起。
C. That’s so huge money; we should not take it. (X) 那是好大一筆錢,我們不應該拿。
3 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下:
A. She is so a lovely girl that we get along with her very well. (X) She is such a lovely girl that we get along with her very well. (O) 她是這樣一個可愛的女孩,我們都跟她處得很好。 B. She is such lovely a girl that we love to get together with her. (X) She is so lovely a girl that we love to get together with her. (O) 她是這樣一個可愛的女孩,我們都喜歡跟她在一起。 解說: 以上兩句互相對照我們可以很明顯看出錯誤—在A句中,因為要修飾的是a lovely girl名詞片語,所以應該要用such形容詞來修飾;反觀在B句,要被修飾的是lovely形容詞,所以要用so這個副詞才能修飾形容詞。
C. That’s so huge money; we should not take it. (X) That’s such huge money; we should not take it. (O) 那是好大一筆錢,我們不應該拿。 解說: 第一句錯在於”so”接的是「可數名詞單數」,而money是不可數名詞。such則接受可數名詞單數、可數名詞複數,以及不可數名詞,故須選擇 such。 |
Sometimes/Sometime/Some time 「有時候」時間點大不同
1. 基本文法說明 Sometimes (adv.) 是頻率副詞,用來表達做某一件事情的頻繁度,它放在一般動詞前,Be動詞後。如,I am sometimes late to school. (我有時候上學遲到),意即I sometimes go to school late.常見的頻率副詞依頻率由高至低排序為: always > usually > sometimes > rarely > never, 其在句子中的位置皆與sometimes相同。
Sometime (adv.) 指的是某一個時間點,此時間點可以是過去,亦可以是未來。如 I met Tom sometime last week. (上個禮拜的某天我遇到Tom),His girlfriend would like to go to Tainan sometime next month. (他女友下個月的某時候想去台南)
Sometime (adj.) 亦可作形容詞,用於正式的文體中,意思是「過去的」, 或「偶爾的」。如 John went to Hualien with a sometime girlfriend years ago..「幾年前John和以前的某個女朋友去花蓮。」 又如 Phil is a sometime contributor to the English newspaper. 「Phil偶爾寫文章給那家英文報紙。」
Some time (n. phr.) 指的是一些時間。 Some 是用來形容不可數名詞“time”。如I’ve been waiting for some time. (我已經等了好一會了)。I’ve been seeing her for some time. (我和她在一起有一段時間了。)
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習
A. Peter sometime goes to school on Saturday. (X) 彼得有時候星期六去上學。 B. Leo slept on the sofa some time last week. (X) 里歐上個禮拜的某個時候睡在沙潑上。 C. Mr. Chen is a some timepresident of our university. (X) 陳先生過去曾是我們學校的校長。 D. For the train delayed out of no reason, Karen waited forsometime. (X) 因為火車誤點,凱倫等了一會兒。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. Peter sometime goes to school on Saturday. (X) Peter sometimes goes to school on Saturday. (O) 彼得有時候星期六去上學。 解說: 這裏的「有時候」是表達的是彼得星期六去上學的頻率,故用頻率副詞sometimes。而sometime指的是某一個時間點,故不合適。
B. Leo slept on the sofa some time last week. (X) 解說: 第一個句子中的some time是名詞片語,意指「一段時間」,常用於完成式中,比如說這個句字 Leo has slept on the sofa for some time. (里歐已在沙發上睡了一會兒。) 而欲表達「某個時間點」則該使用副詞sometime才對。
C. Mr. Chen is a some timepresident of our university. (X) Mr. Chen is a sometimepresident of our university. (O) 陳先生過去曾是我們學校的校長。 解說: 「曾經」,也就是存在於過去時間的事實。表達「過去的」,使用形容詞sometime,而some time是指一段時間,故不符。
D. For the train delayed out of no reason, Karen waited forsometime. (X) For the train delayed out of no reason, Karen waited forsome time. (O) 解說: 凱倫等了「一會兒」,也就是一段時間,故用名詞片語some time. 而sometime則「有某個時間點」或「過去的」之意,前者是副詞,後者為或形容詞。 |
Spare/Save 「節省」與「拯救」之相異
1. 基本文法說明
Spare有「省去、免去、空下」之意。例如有一些多的時間,可講成have some time to spare. 也就是有一些空下來的時間的意思。spare no effort指的是不省去、不免去任何的努力,也就是「不遺餘力、全力以赴」。
Save則有「拯救、存下來」的意思。存錢,也就是save money,救人則是save somebody。然而save somebody和spare somebody意思卻南轅北轍,前者是有「搭救」之意,後者則表「赦免、饒恕」。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. Tom saved no effort to prepare for his final exams. (X)
B. The CEO saved his subordinate for being unmindful. (X)
C. The girl’s life was spared by the doctor in the end. (X)
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下:
A. Tom saved no effort to prepare for his final exams. (X) 湯姆不遺餘力地準備他的期末考試。 save有「省下、存下」之意。save no effort字面上是沒有存下任何努力,沒有盡心之意。spare是「空下、免去」,spare no effort則是不空下、不免去任何的努力。兩者意思相反。
B. The CEO saved his subordinate for being unmindful. (X) 總裁原諒了部屬的漫不經心。 解說: 「原諒」即是不計較、饒恕之意,故選spare。而save是拯救之意,所以第一句裏save his subordinate即為救他的部屬,意思不符。
C. The girl’s life was spared by the doctor in the end. (X) The girl’s life was saved by the doctor in the end. (O) 醫生救了那位女孩的生命。 解說: 第一句意思是醫生「饒恕、赦免」了小女孩的性命。醫生扮演的應是把小女還從死神手中奪回來的角色,而非掌握女還生命的暴君或長官。所以save所表達的「拯救」要比spare的「饒恕、赦免」來的恰當。 |
Spend/ Cost/ Take 如何「花費」
1. 基本文法說明 Spend有花時間、花金錢之意,其主詞必須為「人」。時間與金錢後可接「(in)+動名詞」或「on+名詞」。 其中in通常予以省略。例如: Jack spent five hours (in) mopping the floor. 傑克花了五小時拖地。Mom spent more than one thousand dollars on her clothes. 媽媽花了一千多塊錢在她的衣服上。
Cost也有花時間或金錢之意,但其主詞必須為「事物」,亦可引申解釋為「須要」或「以…為代價」。如The watch cost me three hundred dollars. 這隻錶花了我三百元。Success costs efforts and perseverance. 成功須要努力與毅力。
Take可用花表示花費時間,但鮮少用來表達花了多少錢, 且其主詞為「it」。如It takes me hours to complete my work. 因為take有「拿走、拿去」之意,字面上it takes me hours,就是它「拿走」我好幾個小時,亦即它花了我好幾個小時。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習
A. Mother cost five hundred pounds to buy the bracelet. (X) 媽媽花了五百英磅買下那條手鐲 。
B. The time takes fifty minutes to get to school. (X) 到學校要花五十分鐘。
C. Angela spent three hours to study Japanese this afternoon. (X) 安琪拉今天花了三個小時讀日文。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下:
A. Mother cost five hundred pounds to buy the bracelet. (X) It cost Mother five hundred pounds to buy the bracelet. (O) 解說:
B. The time takes fifty minutes getting to school. (X) 到學校要花五十分鐘。 解說: Take有「拿走、取走」之意,在此引伸做「花(時間)」。It是一個虛主詞,其真正的主詞是「去學校」這件事情,因為花時間的是「事情」而不是「時間」本身。且所花時間後應接不定詞片語,形成It+take+時間+不定詞片語,故第一句中的動名詞片語也得一併更正。
C. Angela spent three hours to study Japanese this afternoon. (X) 安琪拉今天花了三個小時讀日文 解說: 動詞spend為花時間或金錢之意,其主詞須為「人」。第一句錯在不定詞to study,因在時間或金錢後面須接「(in)+動名詞」或「on+名詞」。第二句與第三句差在「in」的出現與否,兩者皆可,但「in」通常予以省略。 |
Still/Yet 還沒?
1. 基本文法說明 這兩個字都可以表達「還、仍然」等等的意思,都是副詞,但用法與字序上些有不同。
still 專用於肯定句或疑問句,多放於句中,語義上比yet強,並且不否定前一句的觀點。
yet 多用於現在式或現在完成式的句子中,比較常見在否定句或疑問句中,常置於句尾,除此之外,yet還可當作連接詞,有「然而」的意思。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習
A. The homework is not finished still. (X) 作業還沒做完。
B. It was cold yesterday, but today it is yet colder. (X) 昨天很冷,今天更冷。
C. The student worked hard, but still he failed in the exam. (X) 這學生很用功,但是仍考壞了。
A. The homework is not finished still. (X) The homework is not finished yet. (O) 作業還沒做完。 解說: 首先,否定句要用yet而非still;並且yet才可放句尾。
B. It was cold yesterday, but today it is yet colder. (X) It was cold yesterday, but today it is still colder. (O) 昨天很冷,今天更冷。 解說: 雖然句中有連接詞but表達兩句的意思相對,但是第二句的文意並沒有否定第一句的意思,所以不該用yet而是用still。
C. The student worked hard,still he failed in the exam. (X) The student worked hard, yethe failed in the exam. (O) 這學生很用功,但是仍考壞了。 解說: 此句如果用still會形成沒有連接詞的錯誤文法,所以要改成yet,表達出「然而」的意思。 |
1. 基本文法說明 Shameless 中 less 代表「沒有、全無」之意。Shame本意作「羞恥、羞愧」解。湊在一起時,就是「沒有羞恥感、不知羞愧的」。如,The man was so shameless that he robbed the old lady of her necklace. (那人不知羞恥到去搶奪老嫗的項鍊。)
Ashamed是「感到慚愧、羞恥」的意思。通常出現於片語 be ashamed of 中,即「對…感到慚愧、羞恥」之意。特別要注意的是,ashamed 這個字僅能作主詞補語,只能修飾主詞。換句話說,它後面不能接名詞,沒有「ashamed + N.」的形式。
Shameful作「可恥的」解。在語氣上比 shameless「不知羞恥的、沒有羞恥感的」來得和緩些.如:It is shameful that youcheated on the exam. (你考試作弊是很可恥的。)
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. The college student felt shameless because she failed to correct her little brother’s spelling drills. (X) 那位大學生因為無能力校正她弟弟的拼音練習而感到羞愧。 B. Bullying other kids in school is an ashamedbehavior. (X) 在學校欺負其它的小孩是個可恥的行為。 C. It is shameful to sneer at those who are unfortunate. (X) 嘲笑不幸的人是一件極為可恥的事。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. The college student feltshameless because she failed to correct her little brother’s spelling drills. (X) 解說:
B. Bullying other kids in school is an ashamedbehavior. (X) 解說: Ashamed有「感到可恥之意」,但須特別注意的是,它僅能當主詞補語。簡單地說,ashamed不能修飾名詞。故應,視欲表達之「可恥」程度,將原字改成shameful或shameless。
C. It is shameful to sneer at those who are poor. (X) 嘲笑窮人是一件極為可恥的事。 解說: 這裡的問題與在A中所遇到的相同,就是shameful與shameless之間的差別。Shameful是「可恥的、令人感到羞恥的」,在羞與恥的光譜裡,它偏向「羞」的那一端。而shameless語氣重了許多,可作「不知廉恥、不知羞恥」解。在這裡,「嘲笑窮人」這件事,道德上是極不能令人接受的,故選用shameless較為恰當。 |
Stick to/Insist on/Persist in/Hang on 不同「堅持」
1. 基本文法說明 Stick當動詞有「黏」的意思。而stick to字面上的就是「黏在…上去」之意,引申做「堅持」之意。Stick to後面須加名詞或動名詞,猶如「黏」上去的對象為具體的東西一般。 如,Stick to it, and you will make it in the end. (堅持下去,你終會做到的。)
Insist on有「堅持做某事」與「堅持某事的真實性」兩個意思。Persist則是「堅持做某事」與「持續進行」之意。也就是說,「堅持做某事」是insist和persist同擁有的意思,但「堅持某事真實性」隸屬於前者,「持續進行」為後者。特別注意的是,persist的堅持,常有「不理性(unreasonable)」的意涵在! 文法方面,因on與in皆為介繫詞,故其後接名詞或動名詞。
Hang on也可作「堅持」解,但它用在於情況艱難時。如,Although there are lots of difficulties to be solved, the research group hangs on. (雖然有很多待解決的問題,研究團隊仍堅持著。)
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. If the torrential rain insists tomorrow, our plan will be called off. (X) 如果明天持續下豪雨的話,我們的計畫勢必取消。 B. The criminal persisted on his innocence. (X)
C. “Stick on there! I’ll get somebody to help,” Said Tom to Lydia, who was hit by a car. (X) 「堅持下去,我去找人來幫忙」,湯姆對被車撞到的莉蒂亞說。
D. So long as you persist to your principle, no one can ever lead you astray. (X) E. Why are you hanging on blaming yourself when knowing it’s not your fault? (X) 你明知道那不是你的錯,為什麼持續責備自己?
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. If the torrential rain insists tomorrow, our plan will be called off. (X) 如果明天持續下豪雨的話,我們的計畫勢必取消。 解說:
B. The criminal persisted on his innocence. (X) The criminal insisted on his innocence. (O) 解說:
C. “Stick on there! I’ll get somebody to help.” said John to Mary, who was hit by a car. (X) 「堅持(撐)下去,我去找人來幫忙」,湯姆對被車撞到的莉蒂亞說。 解說: Stick後面用的介繫詞是to,並非on。Stick to的本意是「黏上去」引申作「堅持」,且它是及物動詞片語。簡單的說,它必須要有受詞,不可單獨作「stick to」。當湯姆要身受重傷的瑪麗堅持下去,即是要她「撐」 下去,他要去搬救兵。這裡的背景有點「危急、艱難」的感覺,故選用hang on較為合適。
D. So long as you persist to your principle, no one can ever lead you astray. (X) Persist後接介繫詞in。Stick to本意為「黏上去」,此處作「堅持」解。Persist比較強調「持續」做某事,無論事情本身堅持原則,如 E. Why are you hanging on blaming yourself when knowing it’s not your fault? (X) Why are you persisting on blaming yourself when knowing it’s not your fault? (O) 你明知道那不是你的錯,為什麼持續責備自己? 解說: Hang on所表達的是「處於逆境中」的堅持,如例C的句子。Persist in的堅持則有一點「沒有道理、不理性」的意涵,故較合適。
1. 基本文法說明 Stress指的是一種「緊張的情緒或狀態」,它是一種無形的壓力,讓人不能輕鬆自在。而pressure泛指外在的壓力,它可以是無形的壓力,如人情壓力、同儕壓力,也可以是具體的壓力,如物理上的氣壓,水壓等。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. It is quite a tension to juggle children and career simultaneously for many women. (X) B. Betty puts much burden on her husband to make more money. (X) C. Plenty of successful managers are suffering frompressure and anxiety. (X) D. Nervous stress is the most obvious symptom of the disease. (X) 神經緊繃是這疾病最常見的症狀。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. It is quite a tension to juggle children and career simultaneously for many women. (X) Tension指的是一種「蓄勢待發的緊繃感」,而同時得兼顧小孩與事業,應是一種「已成形」的壓力,故用burden「負擔」這個字較合適。 B. Betty puts much burden on her husband to make more money. (X) C. Plenty of successful managers are suffering frompressure and anxiety. (X)
D. Nervous stress is the most obvious symptom of the disease. (X) Nervous tension is the most obvious symptom of the disease. (O) 神經緊繃是這疾病最常見的症狀。 解說: 身就拉緊的意涵。 |
Supply/Provide/Offer/Proffer 什麼樣的「供應」?
1. 基本文法說明 Supply的「供應」含有一種「連續」的涵意,它供應的是比較迫切的東西,如食物。而Provide的字義比較廣,常可替代supply。值得特別注意的是它們所搭配的介繫詞,常見出現的形式有「supply+某人+ with + 某物」或「supply +某物 + to +某人」與「provide +某人+ with+ 某物」或「provide +某物+for + 某人」,皆是「提供某物給某人之義」。
Offer與proffer意義相近,唯後者較為正式且做「表達意見、提出解釋」用。常見offer的用法是「offer+某人+某物」與「offer+某物 + to +某人」。
2. 錯誤發生情況及修正練習 A. Our school offers ample scholarships for hard-working students.(X) B. The charity provides food and water to the tsunami-ravaged country. (X)
C. Debbie was proffered a job in a Japanese firm due to her fluency in the language. (X) D. In a formal meeting, it would be better not to offeran opinion when you are not conscious of what is going on.(X) 當你不知道事情的來龍去脈時,最好不要提供意見。
3. 錯誤修正及解釋正確的句子如下: A. Our school offers ample scholarships for hard-working students. (X) B. The charity provides food and water to the tsunami-ravaged country. (X) 解說: Provide的介繫詞應用「for」,其句型為「provide +某物+ for +某人」。且這裡提供的物品是食物與水,皆屬民生物資,具有迫切性,故選用supply更為妥貼。
C. Debbie was proffered a job in a Japanese firm due to her fluency in the language. (X) 解說: Proffer為正式用語,它常是用來「表達意見、提供解釋」。這裡是指日商因黛比的語文能力而給了她一份工作,應當用offer 即可。
D. In a formal meeting, it would be better not to offeran opinion when you are not conscious of what is going on. (X) 在一個正式場合,當你不知道事情的來龍去脈時,最好不要提供意見。 解說: 這裡是指在正式的場合上,同時又屬「表達意見」,所以用proffer更為得體。 |